The best places for wall painting with a wooden world wall map in your home

The best places for wall painting with a wooden world wall map in your home

Often we do not give due importance, let alone pay tribute to the beautiful planet on which we live.

Decorating your home with a beautiful wall map of the world is a great way to remember your travels around the world.

No matter how big or small, modern or traditional, minimalist or crowded your space is, remember that wall art, when placed strategically, can have the greatest impact.
Where to get world map art in your home?

Living room wall

Admittedly, not everyone who enters your home is a travel enthusiast.
But is there anyone who is not interested in the beauty of the Wooden Map of the World?

Especially for families with children, a large map of the world can help ignite children's imagination and ambition.

The living room, where you have fun, is always the center of attention of all guests, whether friends, family or colleagues.

The most popular place to place a map of the world is the wall directly above the sofa, where you and your guests can view it nearby.
This is guaranteed to lead to really interesting conversations.

Lobby or corridor

Many spacious and large buildings have a lobby, passage or corridor, which are the main entrance. These are some of the places with bare walls that do not go unnoticed, but no more.

Place a shiny wooden map here so visitors can admire it as soon as they enter your not-so-modest home.

Home office, library or office

Having a dedicated workplace or home schooling is not uncommon and is in fact becoming an increasingly common concept in these difficult times caused by the pandemic.
Decorate the empty walls of your office or library with a beautiful map of the world.

Moreover, it will even serve as an appropriate aesthetic background when you
Zoom or video conference with your clients and colleagues, creating the perfect one
professional atmosphere and not to mention a positive, adventurous impression.

Studio apartments

Studio spaces can quickly become cramped, but not with the right objects like art! Think about enlarging the space with a mural with a map of the world.The beautiful part of the wooden map of the world on the wall immediately attracts attention, creating the impression of adventure.It also helps to create an optimistic and cozy atmosphere.

Click here
to choose from different colors and sizes of unique and stylish Wooden World Maps!



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